Publikationen von Marlene Strehler-Schaaf


Aufsätze in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften (peer-reviewed)

Schaaf, M., & Quiring, O. (2023). The Limits of Social Media Mobilization: How Protest Movements Adapt to Social Media Logic. Media and Communication, 11(3). doi:

Schaaf, M. & Viehmann, C. (2022). Media use and protest participation - but what is in-between? The role of different sources of information, media-related perceptions, and political efficacy for protest behavior. Studies in Communication and Media, 11(2), S. 210-239.

Maurer, M., Jost, P., Schaaf, M., Sülflow, M., & Kruschinski, S. (2022). How right-wing populists instrumentalize news media: Deliberate provocations, scandalizing media coverage, and public awareness for the Alternative for Germany (AfD). International Journal of Press/Politics.

Konferenzbeiträge (peer-reviewed, full paper)

Schaaf, M., Viehmann, C., Weber, M. & Quiring, O. (2023). Unfolding a mediatized decision-making strategy – How decision-makers evaluate political news coverage and the consequences for their strategic actions. Paper presented at the 73th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Toronto, Ontario, Kanada, 25.- 29.05.2023).

weitere wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Schaaf, M., Viehmann, C., Weber, M. & Quiring, O. (2023). Does media bias fuel the confrontation? How decision-makers perceive news coverage and how this impression shapes their negotiation strategy. Working Papers 2301, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.